ghar ke andar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest घर के अन्दर ghar ke andar news and headlines :
1. गोला इलाके में घर के अन्दर अकेली सो रही बुजुर्ग शिक्षिका की सिलबट्टे से कूचकर हत्या कर दी गईlivehindustan.comUsage and Example of ghar ke andar 1. इतनी देर में मैंने तुम्हें जितना पहचान लिया, उतना घर के अन्दर शायद बरसों में भी न पहचान सकता। 1. A boa constrictor, characteristic Ale animal, is still found in the house 2. From June 1869 to 1872, James lived in the house of his father, as a half-invalid, passing his time reading and meditating, writing little 3. Given the intensity and variety of nervous disorders that affect these characters, it has been said that the subject of the play was painting a collective hysteria in the house of Atreus 4. If a woman dies, her unmarried sister notice to marry the widower; If the deceased has no sister, the widow returned to live in the house of his mother with her children (Hickey) 5. In 1933, the Nazis carried out a search in the house Horváth that parents have in Murnau

Given are the examples of hindi word ghar ke andar usage in english sentences. The examples of ghar ke andar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., in the house.

They work not only in the house and fields, but also manage small business and shops.

She then helps her mother in the house and joins her brothers in taking care of their goats.
His uncle Shyam had passed the matriculation examination, but, was sitting idle in the house as he had no job.
His favourite place in the house was the drawing-room, and he would make himself comfortable on the long sofa, reclining there with great dignity, and snarling at anybody who tried to get him off.
His favourite place in the house was the drawing-room, and he would make himself comfortable on the long sofa, reclining there with great dignity, and snarling at anybody who tried to get him off.
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